Michael Klare

Michael T. Klare
Nationality American
Alma mater Columbia University B.A. in 1963 and M.A. in 1968, Ph.D. from the Graduate School of the Union Institute in 1976
Subjects U.S. defense policy, the arms trade, Peak oil, and world security affairs.

Michael T. Klare is a Five Colleges professor of Peace and World Security Studies, whose department is located at Hampshire College, defense correspondent of The Nation magazine, and author of Resource Wars and Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Petroleum Dependency (Metropolitan). Klare also teaches at Amherst College, Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Klare also serves on the boards of directors of Human Rights Watch, and the Arms Control Association. He is a regular contributor to many publications including The Nation, TomDispatch, Mother Jones, and is a frequent columnist for Foreign Policy In Focus.

He lives in Northampton, Massachusetts.


Analysis of US threats against Iraq

In November 2005, Klare alleged that a major factor motivating the George W. Bush administration to attack Iraq would be its desire to distract attention from domestic political difficulties and to increase popularity for the President. US popular support for Bush increased by about 10% when the US invaded Iraq in 2003 and only dropped back to its previous level several months later.[1]

Extreme energy

Klare originated the concept of "extreme energy", techniques for the production of energy which share characteristics of being environmentally damaging or risky. Examples include exploitation of oil sands and shale oil, deepwater drilling, Hydraulic fracturing, and Mountaintop removal mining.[2][3][4]


  1. ^ Wag the Dog: Crisis Scenarios for Deflecting Attention from the President's Woes, November 16, 2005, Michael T. Klare
  2. ^ Daniel Gross (June 6, 2010). "Fracking, Oil Sands, and Deep-Water Drilling: The dangerous new era of "extreme energy."". Slate Magazine. http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2010/06/fracking_oil_sands_and_deepwater_drilling.html. Retrieved November 11, 2011. "We've entered an age in which the production of energy, especially from fossil fuels, demands ever-more-expensive environmental trade-offs. We've entered what Michael Klare, professor at Hampshire College, calls the era of " extreme energy."" 
  3. ^ John D. Sutter (April 19, 2011). "Welcome to the era of 'extreme energy'". CNN. http://articles.cnn.com/2011-04-19/tech/oil.sands.extreme.energy_1_oil-sands-suncor-energy-oil-addiction. Retrieved November 11, 2011. ""Mother Earth is going to be all torn up."" 
  4. ^ "The Relentless Pursuit of Extreme Energy: A New Oil Rush Endangers the Gulf of Mexico and the Planet" by Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch.Com, May 18, 2010


Published articles

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